We had some spectacular entries for our very first annual photo contest. We’ll be showcasing all of the entries on our social media channels over the coming weeks, but here are the top three winners in each category along with some honorable mentions. Thank you to all who entered!
Best Mission or Training Photo

1st place – Jordan White, Mountain Rescue Aspen
We tend to schedule our bigger trainings pretty far out and within reason we have a rain or shine rule for them. A couple weekends ago we had our annual big scenario scheduled and without fail it snowed overnight and we proceeded. The sun gradually came out through the day and we went from a high angle litter load, to a guided line, to a low angle, to a litter wheel…to lunch.

2nd place – David Braun, Alpine Rescue Team
Members of the Alpine Rescue Team return to the trailhead after a midsummer mission on Torreys Peak.

3rd place – Harry Sandler, Routt County Search and Rescue (and thanks to Max Strotbeck for submitting)
This photo from August 2021 was taken during a Rigging for Rescue training with Routt County SAR. The patient is team member Eva Vaitkus and attendant Doug Klingemann. We are practicing a vertical lower over a cliff by Fish Creek Falls.
Best Interagency Photo

1st place – Heath Sample, Summit County Rescue Group
More than six rescue teams from around the state gather to put on an avalanche demonstration for the media on Vail Pass in Summit County.

2nd place – Carlos Espinosa, Chaffee County Search and Rescue South
Mutual aid to Saguache County for an injured hunter.

3rd place – Alison Sheets, Rocky Mountain Rescue Group
RMRG Flight For LIfe avalanche deployment training in 2020.
Best Internal Teamwork

1st place – Corrie Jones, Grand County Search and Rescue (and thanks to Greg Foley for submitting)
Grand County SAR’s 2019 recert at Berthoud Pass.

2nd place – Dave Christianson, Rocky Mountain Rescue Group
RMRG wheel – litter evacuation of an injured hiker, Indian Peaks Wilderness Area, above Mitchell Lake.

3rd place – Jack Hickisch, Arapahoe Rescue Patrol
At ARP’s annual high altitude field training, members complete a litter pass up a steep scree field.
Honorable Mentions:

Greg Hamilton, non-CSAR member
I was in a party of three working towards an ascent of Pyramid Peak on July 6, 2021. Minutes after 8:00 am, at approximately 13,700 feet, one of our party slipped and fell on their back striking numerous extremities and their head resulting in multiple fractures. They were unable to self extricate. With the cooperation of the Chaffee County Sheriff, Pitkin County Sheriff, Mountain Rescue Aspen and the Colorado Army National Guard, myself a medic, my medic buddy Eric, and another solo climber Mari were able to arrange for transport, care for, and successfully extricate our third-party member who otherwise would have had a very unpleasant mountain experience.
Judges’ note: We loved Greg’s photos but due to this year’s contest rules, non-members were ineligible to win. Next year we will have a category for non-members to officially compete.

Heath Sample, Summit County Rescue Group
The Summit County Rescue Group team evacs an injured hiker with the litter and wheel combo under Ptarmigan Peak in Silverthorne.

Cindy Hillemeyer, Routt County Search and Rescue
RCSAR members slowly lower an injured skier through Fish Creek Canyon January, 2021. This was an 8-9 hour mission through very steep/rocky terrain and low snow conditions.

Carlos Espinosa, Chaffee County Search and Rescue South
Chaffee County Search and Rescue South mutual aid mission to Saguache County.